Friday, June 1, 2012

Ask a Paranoid, Bipolar, Narcissist What This Song is About: Fixing a Hole

Fixing a Hole - The Beatles

I'm fixing a hole where the rain gets in
And stops my mind from wandering
Where it will go

I'm filling the cracks that ran through the door
And kept my mind from wandering
Where it will go

And it really doesn't matter if I'm wrong I'm right
Where I belong I'm right
Where I belong.
See the people standing there who disagree and never win
And wonder why they don't get in my door
I'm painting my room in the colourful way
And when my mind is wandering
There I will go
And it really doesn't matter if I'm wrong I'm right
Where I belong I'm right
Where I belong.
Silly people run around they worry me
And never ask me why they don't get past my door

I'm taking the time for a number of things
That weren't important yesterday
And I still go

I'm fixing a hole where the rain gets in
And stops my mind from wandering
Where it will go

   Today I was pleasantly reminded of the difference between "hearing" and "listening." I've been listening to the Beatles since I was a kid. As I grew older and I just grew to assume that this was probably just some song Paul McCartney wrote while he was high as f*ck trying to fix his house. Also I don't pay much attention to lyrics. I've never tended to see lyrics as very long as they sound melodic, I see vocals as just another instrument.

   Today as I was driving across town on my way home from my psychiatrists appointment, I was listening to The Beatles, and for the first time I actually "understood" the song, rather than just hearing it. The genius of The Beatles, just never ceases to amaze me.
I'm fixing a hole where the rain gets in
And stops my mind from wandering
Where it will go

I'm filling the cracks that ran through the door
And kept my mind from wandering
Where it will go

   Sure this song is about fixing a hole and a door in a house. It's also probably just a stupid little tune that you write after smoking enormous quantities of weed, but I see something else too.

   The rain and the cracks, are outisde forces, negative forces that stifle creativity, and prevent living in a state of higher awareness.  Eastern philosphy, Karma Yoga, the true self, vs the ego, pure consciousness...The Beatles were just starting to get into eastern philosophy around this time.  Read The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle, it's an easy read, a good reference to what I'm talking about and personally I think it should be required reading for every human being. Anyways, the rain and other ego-driven thoughts, and negative forces keep from being in the now, the present moment.

   The mind/ego is always focused on the past or the future. Past and present only exist in the mind. The present moment is all we have, all that exists. It has been said that it has taken every molecule and atom in the universe since the begining of time to get you to this very present moment. When you fail to accept what is by reliving and holding on to the past or worrying about the future, both of which exist only in your mind, you are literally fighting the entire universe itself.

   When you accept what is, and stop fighting life, then the universe starts to conspire with you. The people you need show up in your life just when you need them to, you start noticing coincidences happening more often, and all sorts of other cool shit like that. But you gotta be open to the creative flow of the universe, that means being in the present moment.

   Like with playing guitar or trying to write a song. When I try to create something, I can't. Inspiration, is allusive. When you look for it  you'll never find it. It's only when I stop trying and drop my notions about what I think should be happening, that I find inspiration. Like today, I was trying to think about something to blog about tonight and I was puzzled the entire day. I was making myself irritated that I couldn't think of anything. But ultimately I just sat down and decided to clear my mind and just start writing whatever came into my head.  And I'm quite surprised by how much I've been able to write so far.

Ok, back to the song...

   When he fixes the hole and the cracks that stop the rain, then his mind is free to wander. To create, to be free spiritually, free to smoke weed, drop acid, or to actually fix the friggin hole. It's about being in the moment, free to let your mind wander "where it will go." No limitations.

   And it really doesn't matter if I'm wrong I'm right
Where I belong I'm right
Where I belong.

  Thats an awesome line. The play on words there is badass too. This part is about self acceptance. It doesn't matter where I'm at or what I'm doing, what matters is that I'm here, right now, alive and conscious. That's a very powerful line.

See the people standing there who disagree and never win
And wonder why they don't get in my door
Silly people run around they worry me
And never ask me why they don't get past my door
   This is about negativity. Nobody wants to be around negative people.  Everybody knows that one person who is such a bummer that the minute they walk into a room, they instantly bum everyone out.

   It can also be about the fact he is a famous rockstar and people are probably always trying to get inside his home, and that isn't cool.

   Negative energy weakens people. Matter is energy - Einstein. The people we're with,the things we surround ourselves with, the foods we eat, the thoughts we think all have energy. Negative energy will literally physically weaken you. Example,  Watch the muscle test.

I'm painting my room in the colourful way
And when my mind is wandering
There I will go

I'm taking the time for a number of things
That weren't important yesterday
And I still go

   When he fixes the hole and the cracks, accepts himself as he is and keeps negative people away, he is free to be creative and do the things that really are important to him. Things he never realized before.

   Also when you smoke a ton of weed and drop acid, you really want to be doing it in a color room.


 Ok so there you have it. An extremely in depth and self indulgent (and probably wrong) break down analysis of a cool Beatles song.

  So in conclusion let me explain...

   Fixing a Hole: A song about, DIY home repairs, eastern philosphy, living in the present moment, self acceptance, ridding yourself of negativity, and making sure that before you experiment with power hallucinogenic, psychedelic, mind expanding drugs, that you have a colorful room in which to do so.

   But you don't have to take my word for it.

   It might help to know that I took a Beatles history class at Arizona State University. It counted as upper division and humanities credit too.

   I've also been to Abbey Road, and the building that used to be Apple Records where The Beatles played their last public performance for the Let it Be movie.

ok bye.

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