Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Elvis People vs Beatles People

Deleted scene from Pulp Fiction

   Quentin Tarrantino was right. There definitely are Elvis people and Beatles people. However those are not the only type of people out there. I give you just some of the other types of people out there that I've run across.

Filthy Hippie, Grateful Dead People.


Gangsta Rap People


Heavy Metal People


KISS People *facepalm*


Lynyrd Skynyd People


Nascar people


People who pretend to be all Heavy Metal and rocked out, but walk around in plaid shorts, flip flops and shop at Armani People.


People who still think it's the 1980's people


Star Wars People


Star Trek People


Doctor Who People


Intolerant People


White boy suburban gangsta people


Led Zeppelin People
Dread Zeppelin People


People who insist on making sarcastic comments about EVERYTHING people
Fanboy nerds who as kids were ridiculed, teased and tormented by the popular cliques, who grew up only to band together to form their own cliques which are just as snobby, selective and excluding.
 Douchebags who have Celtic, Tribal, Chinese and Egyptian symbol tattoos, regardless of how ridiculous this clash of styles is, and even though they are not Celtic, Chinese, Egyptian, nor do they belong to a tribe People

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