Monday, February 11, 2013


Dave Grohl talks about the beauty of minimalism in music, but have you seen and heard the shit he's been doing in recent years? its far from minimalist, stripped down music.

Hey all you young douchebags, Dave Grohl was actually in another band before Foo Fighters, you should look into it. 

All Star jam at the White House? in a suit and tie? This isn't rock n roll

 Celebrity Jam with Paul McCartney at a benefit concert?

Riding Led Zeppelins coat tails at yet another all star jam?

Another celebrity gig, the Kennedy Center Honors from 2012. You can't host an all star concert without Dave Grohl having to be involved. 

And once again the Kennedy Center Honors from 2008.

Nirvana forever changed the landscape of rock music. They rallied against what was the socially acceptable musical norms of the time. It was a breath of fresh air when music had become boring, predictable, commercial, stale, and way too overproduced and image-oriented. 

Dave Grohl has become the very thing that Nirvana was against. He has become the U2 of this generation. Formulaic, adult comtemporary, garbage with absolutely no artistic merit or relevance, and much like U2 eager to seek the spotlight of any all star jam, or benefit concert that might happen along. 

Ever since The Color and the Shape, the Foo Fighters have been making the exact same album over and over again. 

Dave Grohl exists only to attend grammy ceremonies, walk red carpets, host cable television shows, perform at benefit concerts, play in all star jams, form superbands and release highly commercialized and formulaic music. He's not a rocker, he's not a musician. He's just a professional celebrity these days.

If Kurt Cobain was alive to see Dave Grohl play with The Muppets he'd a died of shame.

He even hosted Chelsea Lately


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  1. "Riding Led Zeppelins coat tails" Wow you could not be more wrong, have you ever heard of tributing a band to show respect? And if you ha9aka the d your way one of the only band around today that is trying to keep rock and roll alive, AKA The Foo Fighters, would end and with it modern rock. So enjoy listening to the pop and techno on the radio today, people who really exhibit no talent or musicianship, or dwell in the past, looking on with a scowl at all new attempts to push rock further and keep it alive.

  2. Exactly the reaction I was going for! Thanks for the feedback.

  3. dave grohl sucks but this is a bit much

  4. HAHA, so playing with the muppets, performing in a suit and tie at the White House, hosting a cable talk show and releasing highly commercial and formulaic pop rock, isn't pushing the boundaries of anything except lameness!

  5. Sometimes I feel alone in my hatred of Dave Grohl. thank you.

  6. ive ALWAYS disliked that turd anyway. He only had one song i ever liked at that was everlong. Every other single song he has recorded is GARBAGE

  7. Your biggest issue with him seems to be that he's being recognised within the music industry and community. That being said in as unbiased a register as I can humanly manage; do you have a valid point to make? or is Dave Grohl just your rage porn? I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, to each his own, but for my own reasons I'd like to know if there's an actual reason this dude receives as much ill will as he does.

  8. Ultimate-Guitar is FAILOctober 8, 2013 at 7:03 AM

    Dave Grohl is a fucking poser. I don't know why he just makes me think CORPORATE.

  9. "If Kurt Cobain was alive to see Dave Grohl play with The Muppets he'd a died of shame."

    OMG stop praising K.C. as the messiah of rock integrity... Maybe he was just a fucked up kid with drug problems and low self esteem who happened to have a certain talent in song writing and - by accident - became incredibly popular through the big evil money making music business.

    And then you damn Grohl as the fallen angle and villain betraying the art of music. It's music buisiness man.. c'mon that's just the way it goes. So what, you don't have to like it, you don't even have to listen to the Grohl's music. I don't. But even if I don't like his music much, I rather see him performing all suited up in the white house than Lady Gaga or Jessica Simpsons. At least he writes music himself... could be worst......

    On the other hand: What did YOU do to rescue Rock 'n Roll... apart from writing a blog whining about mean Grohl... that's just to easy

    1. Like food, I don't need to be a chef to know my food sucks or the chef that cooks it is overrated. Neither does the author. He need not be a rock n roll musician to agree and feel that Dave Grohl is overrated.

      Know the term overrated. If Grohl had not much following, it would be much acceptable of what he is today, but becos ppl worship him as the godfather of rock n roll in our generation today, it is a rather appalling that such mediocrity is placed on such a high pedestal.

  10. I think he sucks too. I think he is the godfather of the hipster generation the way he has to desperately prove how heavy, cult and underground he is...when he's not much different than Lady GaGa or whoever fuck she is..
