Tyler Durden, The Roaches in Your Ears, and My Favorite 80's Tampon Commericials
People don't want their lives fixed. Nobody wants their
problems solved. Their dramas. Their distractions. Their stories
resolved. Their messed cleaned up. Because what would they have left?
Just the big scary unknown - Chuck Palahniuk
“It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.”
One of the things Tyler Durden is talking about is letting go. The idea of letting go can be difficult to understand. I would tell you that letting go can seem downright impossible, especially after a painful experience like a divorce, or death of a loved one.
When you let go, you're really just accepting. Acceptance of the situation you are in, and of the present moment is what letting go really is. Until you can accept or 'let go' it's like you're trying to swim against a current...it's futile and a waste of time and energy. When you accept, you stop fighting against the current and go with the flow. Just like the current then helps move you forward, when you accept and let go the flow of life and the universe then assist you and help you move forward towards your goals.
Here is what I've been told about acceptance. It's like this, If you broke an arm or leg, you have this knowing deep down inside that it will eventually heal. You accept the fact that yeah this sucks and its gonna hurt like hell for a while, and yeah it's gonna take some time to heal completely, and yeah it's not gonna be easy, but you accept that because you know thats what it takes to get better.
I had a fall last week and bruised my knee and got some cuts and scrapes on my leg and foot, and yeah its still a little sore but I have no doubt it will heal. And its not something I have to remind myself of either, its just a knowing I have inside. I'm not denying the pain but I'm not dwelling on it either. That is a small example of acceptance.
So if we could all apply that to the mental wounds we all suffer in life and all that other pscycho-babble, blah, blah, blah...you get the idea. I'm bored, lets talk about something else.
The human mind's job is to solve problems. It's a very usefull tool to make it in the world today. However it is always active, it needs something to worry about, something to criticize, something to blame, etc... But I think that when you start identifying with your mind thats when you start getting into trouble. Confused? ok let me explain.
It's been written by many people (including Deepak Chopra, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle) That we are not physical beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. That being said, the body and mind are just tools needed in order to experience and be conscious and aware
So as an exercise to step out of your mind and into what has been called that, "Gap between your thoughts" try to imagine instead of "I am my thoughts and my mind," which most people do, try instead to imagine, "I am that thing that is using the mind." Whatever you're looking at right now, stop and think about just what/who is actually doing the seeing? That is your real self. I propose that the more you try to get in touch with that, the more we are able to make life work with us instead of against us.
And yeah I know it aint easy. It's one of those, "easy for you to say" kind of things.
But after all what do I know, I'm straight up mentally ill. You should definitely not believe anthing I say. I'm only trying to entertain. Ok,
now the moment you've been waiting for. If you're like me, at one time
or another you've stopped what you're doing, cancelled your appointments and pondered over the following, "Gee, I wonder what kind of tampons,
Courtney Cox used in the 1980's?"
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