I view these kids who play with their guitars too low in much the same way I view these kids who walk around with their pants hanging around their God damn ankles.
It doesn't make you look cool, it just makes you look like an ignorant, uneducated piece of trash.
You kids pull your god damn guitars back up!
I'm almost 40 now. Since life expectancy these days is roughly 78 years, that technically puts me in middle age. My beef with douchebags who wear their guitars too low makes me the musical version of the angry old man who's always yelling at the neighborhood kids to 'get the hell off my lawn!'

I believe in first impressions. For example, when I see someone wearing their pants around their ankles I get the impression that this is someone who mistakenly believes they look good when they really don't and are willing to stick to this erroneous belief even at risk of ridicule, unemployment and profiling by law enforcement.
And as a lifelong guitar player, I hold the instrument in a much higher regard. Yes the way you play is important because playing a certain way is better for your technique.
I also believe that if you wanna play great music then you need to look like you're playing great music.
But I think its disrepecting to the guitar and to all the great guitarists in history to view your guitar as nothing more than simply a fashion accessory.
Wearing your guitar too low also hinders the rest of your band as it doesn't present the music very well. If you truly did care about image then you would never wear your guitar like that.
What do you think presents the music better?
someone who wears their guitar this?
someone who wears their guitar this?
In the photo above, Prince, shows how its done. You should have the guitar no higher or lower than belt level. This length looks best and is easy on the wrist, unless you have short alligator arms which in that case you may need to stop reading this and seriously consider changing hobbies.
CORRECT. One again take note of the fret hand wrist and how it is resting in a natural, un-inverted position.
Incorrect. Playing like this will also make you an alcoholic and will eventually kill you as Steve Clark has already so masterfully shown us.
Techically, I would call this too low, but Jimmy Page is an exception to the rule. His arms are so damn long that he can comfortably play this low. Note how his fret hand wrist is still in a natural, unbent position.
Also, he's not calling attention to the fact he's playing low.
He's doing it with class unlike the following douches below...
If you're wearing pants and you wear 'em too low you look like an asshole but if you wear them too high you also look like an asshole.
Don't rest the guitar on your belly, it looks lazy. Also note how wearing the guitar too high also leads to the un-natural position of the fret hand wrist.
Besides, wearing your guitar that high does not give the impression of confidence. It just makes it look like you're trying too hard, and you have not yet reached the level where you can just let it rip without a care in the world
like this...
Who do you think looks like the more confident, able guitarist?
someone who plays like this
someone who plays like this?
like this?
The first two DOUCHEBAGS just look like they're playing guitar.
Hendrix and Gilmour look like THE GUITAR IS PLAYING THEM.
And that right there is the next level I want you to reach.
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