Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My Favorite Bathtime Gurgles

The Catholic school in Flagstaff, AZ where I attended 2nd Grade.

  A couple Saturdays ago, me and my wife decided to get off the couch and out of the heat for the day and we drove up to Flagstaff, for the afternoon. I lived there for year or so when I was in second grade. I have fond memories of living there, so it was nice to go back and have a look around.

   If you're not from Arizona, Flagstaff is about a 2 1/2 hour drive from the Phoenix area. It's up in the mountains, so it snows in the winter, and its nice and cool during the Summer. Now this isn't Wikipedia, so if you want any more information on Flagstaff, then you can go look it up yourself.

Elmo's f*kkin radio better have headphones if I'm the one driving on this roadtrip.

Road Trip Music

  • Soundtrack: Pulp Fiction
  • Soundtrack: Kill Bill 1 & 2
  • Soundtrack: Reservior Dogs
  • Soundtrack: Natural Born Killers
  • Soundtrack: Dazed and Confused
  • Soundtrack: O Brother Where Art Thou?
  • Soundtrack: Walk the Line
  • Unplugged: Nirvana
  • Alice in Chains: Jar of Flies
  • Anything by The Beatles
  • Anything by The Rolling Stones
  • Anything by Led Zeppelin
  • Anything by Pink Floyd
  • Johnny Cash
  • 80's music and Heart for my wife

Jessica getting her kicks on Route 66

   We had lunch at Fort Tuthill Park, and drove around town. It was a good trip. Although we were getting along well enough to make the trip, we weren't getting along well enough to make it back without wanting to kill each other.
Me and Jessica hanging out with the NAU Lumberjack, and that's OK.
   I was annoyed at my wife for being annoyed at my driving. I was annoyed at Ava's color commentary the entire trip which included the usual "boop boop" noises, the standard "Where are we," every five minutes and the "are we still on our trip?" queries every quarter hour, not to mention the crying fits every time she had to pee which was like every 10 minutes on the way back cuz she drank a gallon of applejuice despite both of telling her not to and my wife's refusal to put a pull up on her even though we had them stocked in the car. But after all she's four so what are you gonna do? Next trip I'll take my friend's advice and just put the headphones on that way I can drive in peace and they can complain about whatever they want. 
Ava loosing her sh*t in Flagstaff, while I wait in vain for the dramatic rise in altitude to knock her on her butt.

   We may not be a very traditional family. We make the Griswold family look like Leave it to Beaver.  Mom and Dad never get along, Dad is a narcissistic, bipolar, paranoid who gets kicked out every week, when he's not "resting" in the local mental hospital or sleeping in his car. Ava the little tells stories at daycare and grandma and grandpas house not of how mommy and daddy took her to the mountains, or the park or McDonalds, but rather how Mommy kicked Daddy out again, or the details of Mom and Dad's last fight.
   But God Dammit we're trying. It's not that we hate each other and want to make each other miserable. We honestly do care about each other, but we are both [me and wife that is, Ava is an innocent and awesome little girl] flawed. We've both had a tremendous share of trauma in our pasts and historically, successfull relationships have not been strong points for either of us.
   But maybe that's why the universe has fated us to cross paths. I don't believe in coincidence, everything happens for a reason. The reason we met was because we had to. The only way either of us can ever have a successful relationship is to have someone in our life who is just as flawed as the other person. Someone with just as much to learn.
   No regular normal person on this planet has the experience, and the patience to give us the leeway, and huge learning curves that we both need in order to learn what it takes to live with someone happily, and healthy.
   Today was a descent day. Not exactly love fest 2012, but it was pleasant enough. I missed Ava's bedtime but I did wake her up so I could kiss her goodnight. It was a good day. I'm trying not to trip myself out by thinking ahead and just taking it one day at a time. It's winning all the small battles one day at a time that ultimately wins the war I suppose. 

This was taken last month on our last date night. It's one of my favorite pictues of us together.
And that is all very much like roadtrip music...and bathtime gurgles.
ok bye.


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