Sunday, August 4, 2013

Gimme a Break I'm Old

  I get slammed a lot through comments, email and in person about some of the things I say on this blog.

I'm almost 40 years old, give me a break! 

I'm middle aged and set in my ways. My waistline is expanding and my hair is graying.

I listen to the classic rock station and remember when most of the songs were just released, and first played on the "regular" rock station. 

The year I was born Led Zeppelin released "Houses of the Holy," and Pink Floyd released, "Dark Side of the Moon."

I remember the night John Lennon died.

I saw Metallica in Concert back when they still had long hair.

 I'm the musical equivalent of the old man yelling at kids to "get the hell of my lawn."

  I'm 40 years old, I don't want to be at a concert with a bunch of teenagers. If I go to a concert I want to be around people my age. Just like when I was a teenager, I didn't want to be at a concert or listening to music that a bunch of 40 year olds listened to. 

  I also don't want to walk around as a 40 year old man pretending I'm still in late teens/early 20's. Some people may be able to do that convincingly, but thats just not the kind of 40 year old I want to be. 

 Now I'm not saying that all new music sucks. I'm sure there are some great acts out there doing outstanding work these days. I just don't feel the need to go seek them out. I'm set in my ways. I already have a ton of great music on my I-Tunes these days.

I like what I like and I'm entitled to my opinions.

 I'm married and have a full-time job and kids. I don't have the time to surf Youtube or Itunes all day looking for new artists, just like when I was teenager and could spend all day long on MTV. I barely have the time to keep up this stupid blog.

 I've been accused of being closed minded and not just because I don't listen to a lot of new music but also because I don't like other genres like country music. After all why should I knock them for writing a hit song when what the hell did I ever write?

 All I'm going to say is that at my age I think I'm allowed to be a little set in my ways. I think it would be more absurd for a 40 year old man to like every single little teenage music fad that came out. 

  I'm like a fine wine. I've been aged and season to like what I like.

 If you're young and think I'm just a closed minded fool, then all I gotta say is, You'll get there too someday. 

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. and I'm entitled to mine. But still geez, try to take it easy on the hatred sometimes. If you're that bent out of shape by what I write about, don't read it. Or go write your own blog about it. 

On second thought...keep reading, I need the readers.

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