Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Pussification of Today's Youth, & the Castration of Todays' Rock Music

Part I: Why Today's Music Sucks

"Fuck that! When did mediocrity and banality become a good image for your children?" - Bill Hicks

 I would like to say that todays new music sucks. 

  I would LIKE to say that, but the fact is that I can't because I don't listen to today's music. I don't find anything currently going in music, appealing enough to get me to turn on a radio. 

 About five minutes ago I looked thru the Billboard Hot 100 Chart to see if I could find anything familiar. These are the results. 

Songs I've Heard: 0 out of 100

Artists I've Heard of: 14 out of 100

Artists I've Heard ANYTHING From: 2 out of 14

 I think my biggest problem with today's music, today's musicians and today's youth in general is that their musical tastes are too varied. 

Yeah that's right, I said it...Why am I saying that? Shut up, I'm gonna tell you why!

  It seems to me that all music today is a crossover over everything else. Country music artists trying to cross over into rock so they can target that market of rock fans. Rock fans crossing over into Rap to pick up that new market of Rap people. And since I don't consider rap either musical or artistic I'm not going write about, nor do I give a shit about about anything thats going on with that garbage. 

  If everything sounds like everything else, whats does it matter what the hell you're listening to? 

  What do you think would taste better, mixing every flavor of ice cream into one  unintelligible mess, or one solid flavor that stands out and combines nothing else?

   Music has been taken over  by marketing. 

 'If you're a rock band, you can't be too rock and roll because that will alienate your crossover fans and we need that market."

 "If you're a country artist you have to be rocked out a little because we gotta get into that rock crossover market."

  "If you're a rock band you can't have a sex, drugs and rock n roll image because there's no market in that these days and you'll never be able to get your lead singer as a judge on America's new reality show, "I'm only famous because I'm on TV."

 "If you're a rock band you can't rock out too hard either. We need to water it down, make it a little more 'Pop Music Sounding' because the teeny bopper pop music market is huge and we need to be able to reach that market."


Part II: Why Today's Youth Also Suck

  I was recently told by one of these youngsters that being a musician means liking and respecting all genres of music and not being judgmental or negative towards other musicians regardless of genre because after all, they're just trying to make a living.

  Furthermore, I was also basically told that, Sex, Drugs and Rock N Roll isn't cool anymore and that todays music is much better than anything a Guns N Roses or a Led Zeppelin could ever produce. Furthermore I was told that The Beatles never did anything original in their careers, and that todays rock music dominates over yesterdays music for the exact reason that it has been watered down under the ruse that it is 'more eclectic' and therefore superior to Classic Rock. 

  Futhermore, I was also told that being a musician is much cooler than being a rocker and that you can't be a real musician without liking and respecting rap music

  I said that, if thats the case, then I'd much rather be a Rocker then a Musician any day. I first picked up a guitar at age 9 not in hope that maybe one day I would grow up to be a open minded, well-rounded musician that could appreciate and respect all styles of music. I picked up that fukking guitar because I wanted to ROCK!!!

What do I think of that Youngsters Statements? 

What Else do I Think of That?

  Wanna know why rock music sucks these days? because there is no rock music these days! It's all either rock/pop, rock/rap, rock/country...


   You know that old racist grandfather who always uses the N word and their behavior is always being excused by statements such as,

  "Oh he just comes from a different time, thats all."

   I guess I'm the musical equivalent of that old racist grandfather. In my day if you liked rock, then by default that meant that you hated rap music and you despised country music. 



     I want my rockstars to party hard.

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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Don't Look at Your Damn Guitar When You Play.

   One of the biggest things that get on my nerves with guitar players is when a guitarist is performing in public and they can't take their eyes off the damn guitar.

Watch the Video

   Do you think The Beatles ever would've conquered the world if Paul McCartney was staring at his bass trying to make sure he didn't fuck up instead of smiling so big that every teenage girl in the America wanted to fuck his brains out?

  If you said yes stop reading right now and go pawn your guitar then use the money to buy new guitar strings so you can hang yourself.

  Don't look at your guitar when you play! If you can't play without keeping your eyes fixated on the neck of your guitar then you need to keep practicing. 

  Who do you think is going to have the better performing career?

Someone Who Plays Guitar Like This?

Or Someone Who Plays Guitar Like This?

 Turn the lights off when you play, it'll help you get used to not looking at your guitar. And in the extremely unlikely event that your lame ass band that plays the Yorgurtini to a crowd of zero, ever made it big, you're going to be playing in big arenas and when there will be little or no lighting at times. 

  I'm suggesting to you that its not so much what you're playing as much as how you're playing it, look at your audience. The majority of the music listening public isn't interested in the finer points of guitar playing. Shit the majority of people don't even play guitar. Your audience wants to be entertained. 

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