Can you think of any musicians whose careers can best be described as bipolar? - question asked to
One of my followers asked me this awesome question today and I would be more than happy to try and answer it. There has been lots of different musicians who people have thought to have been bipolar. There's a good link to a website that talks about some of them here, But the most prominent one that comes to mind is Axl Rose.
Axl Rose has been described as Bipolar and his career would certainly lend credence to this.
"I'm very sensitive and emotional and things upset me and make me feel like not functioning or dealing with people... I went to a clinic, thinking it would help my moods. The only thing I did was to take one 500 question test - ya know, filling in the little black dots. All of a sudden I'm diagnosed manic-depressive.- Axl Rose
As you can see Axl himself as alluded as much, but for every statement that he's made saying he was diagnosed manic-depressive he's also made statements that he's never been diagnosed.
I've not been diagnosed as being bipolar though many misconstrue statements I made earlier as alluding to such and unfortunately there's been an abundance of misguided or unqualified speculation of various events but I definitely can relate to needing my own space.- Axl Rose
This in itself seems like very bipolar behavior in my opinion.
He's had a history throughout his life of anger, drug/alcohol use, violent behavior, arrests. Being bipolar myself I can certainly relate to that, But that could really point to a lot of things.
Then there's the whole thing with Guns n Roses where he wouldn't come onstage until he was damn good and ready, sometimes well after midnight. The constant firing and restructuring of the Guns n Roses lineup, the decade plus long wait for Chinese Democracy, etc...
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According to the Rutles entry on Wikipedia, John Lennon was even said to have loved the film so much he refused to return the videotape and sountrack that he was given for his approval.
If you like The Beatles, you will like it. If you like Monty Python you will like it. If you like Saturday Night Live you will like it.
But don't take my word for it watch it for yourself right here:
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