Now I'm almost 40 years old. If you had told the 13 year old me back in 1986 that one day I'll be using my phone to play, tune and record guitar, not only would I not have believed you, that wouldn't even make sense. How the hell are you gonna play guitar with a phone? How am I gonna tune a guitar with a phone?! What are YOU smoking? You got any more?
I've been an acoustic player most of my life for a few reasons.
- I could never hold down a job long enough to afford a descent electric setup.
- If I was working, its impossible for me to save money, so I couldn't afford real gear anyways.
- It would be to loud to play at home anyways.
- The acoustic had more/easier portability, which I liked.
- I'm not a naturally fast "Eddie Van Halen" type so the acoustic suited me as a rhythm player.
- I'm not sure how to really use all that kind of equipment anyways. I find it confusing.
- If I had a descent setup I really didn't know anyone else who would be interested in just playing Pink Floyd and Beatles covers. My interests used to be limited. They have grown a little.
And I am definitely someone who needs to be entertained and occupied for very long amounts of time.
I think I paid under $40 for actual device. One end goes in your phone, the other one goes to your guitar cable, which of course goes to your guitar. Thats about as technical as you're gonna get from me. Then you just download the app, and you can pay to upgrade to get all the different kinds of effects and amps. Very easy.
This finally lets me work on my electric playing. Which mainly just consists of playing Pink Floyd songs, but I'm really enjoying learning all the differnt effects, and I can plug my acoustic/electric in to it as well.
This is the first thing I did with the I-Rig. I got a bad habit of not reading instructions or going thru tutorials and just figuring it out by just using it. I did this to teach myself the very basics of using some effects and recording.
It's Pink Floyd's Shine On You Crazy Diamond just the begining guitar part. I used another track to do my best "on the fly" impersonation of the keyboard part.
I'm just sharing this to show you what you can do with just a few minutes, a guitar, an I-Phone, the I-Rig and minimal talent and technical intelligence.
I've lost my crappy practice bass. I have no idea where I've left it. If I can ever find it, you can play your bass on it too.
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